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CApt. Randy Knowles

Goliath underwater report, End of August

Been a slow month as far as Goliath charters go. I think the fear of Red Tide is scaring people away from the Florida coast.

We spent a week at Ft Desoto a couple weeks ago and did not see any signs of red tide.

The only sign I’ve seen was last Monday while near the skyway bridge, we saw a line of dead pin fish floating in a long line of grass. My theory is that it blew in with the west wind from off shore, or maybe somebody just threw out a bunch of dead bait.

When we came back in by the skyway, we didn’t see any signs of dead fish and haven’t seen any since. Gotta admit though, it could change tomorrow.

The trips I did have were pretty good. I wrote about them in my last blog, “What a difference a day makes: FISHING”.

We hooked up quite a few times in 2 days and got 5 fish to the boat.

In my off time I’ve been trying to figure out how to get video of a Goliath bite.

Working on a rig to drop a camera with bait on it to get a bite in process, (without losing the camera). We’ve been out with the camera 3 times and learned something each time. We came close Monday, we didn’t actually see him suck it in but saw right before and after. I thought it was pretty cool.

Every time I look at the video I either confirm some of my ‘theories’ or change them. One, I’ve always figured is, they must be ready to eat or not, some of this video confirms that. The early shot where the fish are checking out the mullet, we came back to that spot a few hours later, immediate bite, so far, the only one we’ve gotten on camera.

I’ll be out of service until the second week of October. I had surgery on my belly yesterday and the Doctor says no heavy lifting for at least 6 weeks, “and that’s what we do”.

I’ll have plenty of time to work on trying to catch the “BIG bite” on video.

So, if your thinking about coming out to catch the fish of a lifetime, call me to set up a date after the 15th of October and through November. Getting busy fast – the bite goes away once the water gets cold.

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Randy Knowles

Licensed Captain since 2002


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