Picked up Kat and Shaun at Little Harbor at 0700, trying to beat the late afternoon heat.
Went to Kat's tower. (Last year we hooked 4 fish at one tower and she named it)
"Kat's Last Chance Café". It's the first and last spot we stop at.
Started out a little slow first 3 spots we stopped at, no bites.
Went to a "sure" spot, droped a bait and an immediate hook-up.
Got the first 2 fish in about 30 minutes.
2 more by 10:30, then the bite quit. Not another bite the rest of the morning.
Overall a good day, 4 fish to the boat, 2 lost hooks.
2 at abour 4 ft, 1 at 5 ft and 1 at 6 ft. Pretty good day, from 80 to 300 lbs.
Nice day. Looking forward to next year with Kat and Shaun.